Every superhero has their “Kryptonite” – the weakness that makes them vulnerable. For children taking the 11Plus, it’s test anxiety.
If you’ve ever taken exams (or been asked by your child to help with some tricky maths homework), you’ll know that rising feeling of panic as your mind suddenly goes blank and you forget everything you should know.
Anxiety can creep up out of nowhere, and when it strikes, it stops us thinking straight and remembering what we’ve learnt, making us feel underprepared and unable to cope.
It’s the same for children too…
And just as superman seems invincible until faced with his Kryptonite, intelligent and seemingly confident children can quickly fall apart when exam day finally arrives.
The good news is that, just as you can get tutoring to help your child cover the academic side of the exams, you can also teach them the skills they need to shake off test anxiety too.
That way, they will be able to go into the 11 Plus feeling like a superhero, able to do their very best, whatever happens.
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